Just finished my next Jane Austen Challenge.
This was
challenge #5 out of 6. (Listed I think as item #4 on my to do list)
I was so excited about this book, I bugged and bugged the guy at the book store for a month till they got it in.
I pushed everything else aside to read this, and I read it in 2 days.
I was hyper to see the author added the character of Count Polidori based loosely on Dr. Polidori who in real life had written "The Vampyre".
Only, this book left me dry mouthed. That's not good.
It tried too much to be Anne Rice.
There were a few plot holes, and I thought the ending was just thrown together. As if the author didn't have a real ending and just let the chips fly where they may.
I wanted to love this story I really really did, but I just couldn't.
Another issue I had with it was that it is told through Elizabeth's point of view and not Darcy's. There are too many characters running around that have no purpose, they are mire window dressing, and the tease of Wickham at the very end was meaningless.
Too many unresolved questions that have you sitting there going "but why? and how?"
The author gives Elizabeth these vivid flashbacks that end up not linking to anything, and a myth connected to the first vampires that is never explained or returned to.
Too many loose ends.
Plot: It's the wedding tour for our Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. But just as they step foot into the coach Darcy changes their plans and takes her off to Paris. The wedding night does not happen, and Elizabeth fears Darcy regrets the marriage. As the days turn into weeks, Elizabeth is introduced to people from Darcy's past who seem to have strange habits even for people who live outside of England. In the chaos she learns her husband is not what he first seemed.
She is then seduced and abused by someone from Darcy's past.
The metaphor of Darcy's vampirism being used to represent repressed sexuality has been used more often then I can count in the vampire genre.
Too predictable.
Having a guy who is Darcy's rival seducing Elizabeth in much the same way Wickham did, was just a poor spin off.
As someone who has been reading vampire novels since 1985, I found this repetitive and moldy.